
The OpenCar-System "FeedCar" (Car Feedback) is a small module for reporting vehicle position data and sending DCC IR control signals. This allows functions to be switched locally or to trigger position feedback in a road vehicle with an OpenCar-System Cardecoder.

The vehicle is detected with the help of highly sensitive SS49E magnetic field sensors that are mounted below the road. The occupancy information prepared by FeedCar can be feed into other "input" modules (e.g. S88-TLE-Interface) and used to control the driving operation.

FeedCar (picture left) generates a digital logic signal from a small SS49E analog input signal.

Fichtelbahn offers the FeedCar v2 (picture on the right), a commercial offshoot of the FeedCar. It differs slightly from the Open Source FeedCar in hardware (IR receiver is omitted, but each channel has its own LED, mode switching by button is possible). Fichtelbahn delivers its FeedCar v2 pre-programmed and pre-configured. Due to the different hardware, both variants require different firmware. By courtesy of Fichtelbahn, the FeedCar v2 firmware and documentation can also be downloaded here.

feedcar feedcar

FeedCar can be used for several different tasks:

2-channel SS49E magnetic field sensor: In this mode FeedCar permanently reads the connected SS49E sensors (sensor 2 may also be empty and will then be ignored). A magnetic field change activates the associated output.

1-channel IR position feedback: FeedCar permanently sends its positional address as a DCC IR message. Each passing vehicle can report its current position on the Model railway like this.

2-channel IR position feedback: FeedCar sends for one adjustable number of repetitions one of two different position addresses depending on the triggering SS49E sensor.

1-channel IR function transmitter: One of 28 DCC functions is permanently sent as a DCC IR message.

2-channel IR function transmitter: Two out of 28 DCC functions can be sent depending on the triggering input.

The FeedCar is available as SMD equipped in the "Fichtelbahnshop". For commissioning the connection terminals (two different versions are possible, see manual) and, depending on the mode, two Honeywell SS49E magnetic field sensors and an IR diode must be connected.
Furthermore, for programming of the FeedCar a 5-pin female connector is required for the well-known "Cardecoder Update Cable".

The current manual and firmware for the FeedCar can be found here in the download area.

With "FeedCarBig" there is an alternative board version with larger SMD components following the Open Source concept for self-assembly  (on request below support@opencarsystem.de). Oliver has created a Reichelt cart with all the other components. Thanks a lot for this. FeedCarBig is 100% compatible with the regular FeedCar. ATTENTION "FeedCarBig" is NOT a Fichtelbahn product, support for this is available exclusively in the forum!

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